Family visit to Faaborg, and a special birthday on Easter Sunday. Digital snapshots using two recipes, colour Ultramax 400 and B/W using Ilford HP5 Plus.
Shot on Fujifilm X-E3 + Nikon Series E 28mm 2.8 (Urth adapter)
Recipe Credit to Piotr Skrzypek - Kodak Ultramax 400 for X-Trans III
Simulation: Provia
DR : Auto (usually 200)
White Balance: Custom 1 WB Color Shift: +1R, -2B
Highlights: -2
Shadows: +1
Color: +1
Sharpness: -2
Nr: -4
Exp comp: +1/3 usually
Recipe Credit to Fuji X Weekly - Ilford HP5 Plus
Acros (Acros+Y, Acros+R, Acros+G)
Dynamic Range: DR200
Highlight: +4
Shadow: +2
Noise Reduction: -3
Sharpening: 0
Grain Effect: Strong
ISO: Auto up to ISO 6400
Exposure Compensation: 0 (typically)